Sunday, March 29, 2009

If you're out there...

Here is the photo I promised...thanks for having amazing hair and being cool about me taking your photo!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just for you Dillon

  This was shot on the beaches of Savannah, GA on a past trip to check out graduate schools. These glimpses of southern life and the pure absurdity of it are something I hope to document in the future again. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wet Pain

This is where I get on the train, 181 and fort washington ave. This is where I bring the wet pain.

On Second Thought

Why would I post anything about the city when I can post gems like this all day? This is Kelcie Beene circa 1753, being a disgruntled postal worker. Not only did she have to worry about dying of dysentery, she had to put up with everyone's shit when their welfare checks weren't there on time. Life had to be rough back then.

Black Cat Blues

My roommate, Kelcie Beene, just mean muggin, because hey, who doesn't hate their photograph being taken by me?

A Brave New World

Let us begin, shall we?

  On December 31, 2008, one Jake Jones, your commander in chief, made the move from the southern states. Where he ended up was in the middle (well, more so the tip if you want to get into specifics) of the mecca of the United States, New York City. This transition was a strange one to say the least. No car, higher cost of living, and two months in, this small town boy still doesn't know where the nearest post office is. 

  With great help from his roommates and his friends (the new and old), the move has been made as smooth as possible. While dealing with homesick-ness, trying to find a job to stay afloat, and the brutal cold all in the first few months, he is hoping that spring turns a new leaf on the world around him. 

  The title of the blog, "Foreigner" comes from two different reasons. First is the fact that moving from Alabama to New York City is like telling an apple that he is an orange and making him believe it. Second is the fact that while still living in New York, I am pretty much as high up in the city as one could possibly be. For people not from here let me explain because I know you are saying "Jake, the city is not that big, how could you be a foreigner?". Move to where I live, and then try to get someone from Brooklyn to come and hang out at your apartment, this will never happen. 

   But I digress from the point of this blog. I photograph, on a daily basis, the world around me as I see it. Losing the priveledge of a digital camera when I left the South (thank you Shannon for spoiling me), I was forced to develop film in my kitchen sink. With the help of my trusty flatbed scanner, I am able to bring you the world around me. So sit back, relax, and (hopefully) enjoy the work I bring to you. If you have any criticism, I would love to hear it. Criticism is the only way I can push my work further, and all in all, that is all I can hope to do.

Thank you to all who got me to where I am today, you know who you are,  I love you all more than I will ever let you know.